Sunday, October 7, 2007

About this blog...

This blog is to discuss and debate the issues occuring in the Sudanese region, Darfur. In order to debate about this conflict it is only fair to have a basic understanding of the problem. Darfur has been experiencing tension between its black Africans and Arabian peoples for quite some time now, but only in recent years has there been revolts. The crisis arose after the black Africans felt oppressed because the government sided with the Arab group, the janjaweed. This friction inflamed when justice and equality rebel groups, the SLA and JEM, revolted against the government due to the injustices against their people.
The janjaweed feels it is their obligation to "cleanse" the Sudan of Black Africans. They go into villages pillaging, burning, and killing and/or raping the inhabitants. ( goverment denies refuses to admit funding or a support for this group although it is commonly known that they do. This corrupt government is accepting that its people are being murdered and displaced in mass numbers adding more misfortune to the already distressed nation. The government already was insufficient in their role to advise their nation watched it fall to shambles due to desertification, poverty and overpopulation. Something needs to be done, either internally or externally, to stop this crisis. We have now officially declared this situation a 'genocide' so we have recognized but failed to act (



Brooke said...

The crisis in Sudan is appalling. It is hard to believe that any government would condone the deliberate killing of its own citizens, and displace more than a million people. The Darfurian rebel groups have consistently violated the agreement to a ceasefire back in April. Although President Bush declared the slaughter in Darfur“genocide,” little action has been taken by the U.S government. The U.S. and any member of the U.N. should feel strongly compelled to bring an end to the devastation in the Darfur region. As a U.N. member, it is their duty to promote world peace and aid in humanitarianism across the globe. The Sudanese need our help and we must encourage our government to do something.

lauren said...

I also believe that it is time for the US to take on a larger role in helping bring an end to the crisis in Sudan. It is appalling that so little is being successfully done to help the genocide in Darfur. There have been times in the past that have paralleled this genocide, such as the Hutu and Tutsi civil warfare in Rwanda. There has to be some action taken, we as citizens of this world need to take responsibility and stop the killings of our fellow humans. We place all our efforts and troops into a pointless war when we could be using them to do some good in Sudan.

Kristy said...

Of course everyone has the right to their own opinion about the matter but most people are appalled by the atrocities going on in Darfur. People argue that as a member of the UN and NATO and being one of the greatest world powers we are obligated to take action so we must do soon as soon as possible.