Thursday, October 11, 2007

Should the US intervene?

The true debate about the crisis in the Sudan is whether or not it is our moral obligation to intervene. Should we sit back while millions of people and being forced out of their homes and hundreds of thousands have been brutally murdered? Or should we be concerned for our own well-being, considering the fact that thousands of soldiers have been killed since troops have been issued to enter central Africa?
I am standing by the Sudanese people. I think that it is our moral obligation to aid other human beings who are suffering. The only action we have taken so far has been to back up the African troops being sent into Darfur with money and it is unclear if we have an intention to send our own troops in ( The people of Darfur have no means of protection, the government should be the force to protect their citizens. The Darfurian government has not done an adequate job to defend their people, they are actually aiding the Janjaweed who are the ones who are responsible for this massacre. Someone needs to put their hand out to this helpless people who dont have the means to rebel. They are denied of any means of communication, education, or weapons. They are left completely vulnerable, with no hope in overpowering their government. As more rich, powerful, and advanced nations the pressure is on us to defeat the atrocities against these people. Bush declared that we will not enter Darfur alone, other countries must do the same ( The media is even trying to make it seem like there is no need for non-African troops needed in this country but there has not been a force that has came close to stopping this genocide for the past 4 years it has been occurring ( Although we might be alone in this matter I think we need to stand up and fight!



Dev Patel said...

You are right in that the US along with the other world powers should intervene as they have a big say in what goes on in the world. The US needs to stop fighting the war in Iraq for it's own reasons like oil and forcing them to build a democratic government. The people in Darfur need help and it is not being provided to them. Akin to Yugoslavia and the mass killings over there, it took a long time for our government to respond. I hope that this does not happen to Darfur because the longer there is no response to the massacre over there more and more people will be killed. The way you presented your argument for going into Darfur should be done as to get an outcry from ordinary citizens because it is shown that those people have no means of defense from the killers.

April said...

While i agree with you that human beings should not suffer. I do not feel that the United States should intervene. America has there "hand" dipped into so many countries that I feel that Americans who are suffering go unnoticed. I personally believe that the U.S should help Americans first before helping other countries.

Kristy said...

Joe Smith, what you said is very true, all the time we sit around without doing something about the massacre going on there are more people dieing. The sooner we take action the better.
It is questionable which countries need our help and which dont though like april said. There are too many nations in the world to protect, so we have to carefully choose which ones. It is a difficult decision