Wednesday, October 31, 2007

The visual aspect of the matter

Considering the fact that this blog is made to analyze a binary issue I believe that everyone is entitled to their own opinion about what our position should be as a country in reference to the dilemma in Darfur. What makes this issue such a passionate topic is the difference between the opinions from one person to the next. Should we help or shouldn't we help? That is the real question about this binary argument.
I respect each persons opinion on this matter although it is obvious of my opinion over the past month of posting. I should not be biased towards any side of the argument but being the opinionated person that I am I struggle with doing so. There are so many factors to look at before you are really qualified to make your own decision about what you think we should do about these horrors. You need to analyze where our money is being spent, our other responsibilities in foreign countries, what needs to be done in Darfur, how much this would cost, how many troops to send in, the soldiers sacrificing their lives for this cause, and what we want to establish in their country.
I also stress the great importance of thinking of the impact on the people of Darfur. There are millions starving, beaten, weak from all of their suffering. There are some images that need to be seen to provoke the emotion in your own body to understand what they are feeling too...I really urge you to look through the following:

In this picture you will see a victim of the abuse of a child, a citizen of Darfur. You can see the pain and suffering this child is going through while he can do nothing but sit, cry and starve. There is no way for his family to get him food so he slowly will waste away and wither down to almost nothing until his heart stops from not getting food. This child most likely can not be saved, the only thing we can do to save a child like this is to send in troops to help save the people and prevent this from happening again.

In the next picture you will see another child, but this time an infant. You can see the stress this child is under by the expression on his face. He is crying and can not stop. The sight of such a young human being covered in their own blood and filthy from head to foot is almost unbearable. This child survived, with severe burns, a bombing. This helpless youngster has no defense against what his own government is doing to him, his family has almost no defense and faces the threat everyday that they might be taken by the rebel forces, away from their family, and killed. If this current state in Darfur is continued it is likely that this child if not killed will be taken from his family and trained to massacre in the rebel force unit.

I feel the sentiment that you should be feeling just by seeing three pictures is plenty and enough to demonstrate what the peoples of their region are facing on a daily basis. This last picture shows the results of a raid of the Janjaweed rebel forces. With no warning an attack can happen, burning, bombing, shooting, stealing, raping, murdering. This man witnessed this brutal attack, but did not live to tell the tale. The vicious Janjaweed members have been trained to kill with no remorse and that is exactly what has happened. This man was left to die as he was shot in the face. This man lays there, dead, admist the chaos that is going on around him. This man has been decaying while there are few to recover the remains of a raid with a gaping hole in his left cheek. Witness the atrocity for yourself.

I beg you, for the sake of the people in Darfur, just take the few minutes to read through this blog post and see first hand what they are going through. You should see what crimes and being committed and the results to this tension. Then, I feel, you can judge for yourself what you think the United States, as a nation, should do about this issue.

1 comment:

Fashionable Tree Hugger said...

After reading this post and looking at the pictures, I have to say that this post did a good job of making people aware of whats happening. I believe that with an issue like this if people can see what is happening then they will be more likely to help or pay attention to what's going on. The pictures that you have linked to this post are very dramatic and they really illustrate what is happening to these children.