Sunday, November 4, 2007


Over the duration of this project I really developed as a writer. In the beginning of this project I chose the issue of Darfur because I was interested in it but now I have become very passionate about the matter. Throughout my research and pondering about the topic I have developed my own opinions about foreign policy and other controversial issues. This project also provided me with knowledge of other important issues in the world today from my classmates blogs. But one of the most important reasons for this assignment was to learn how to argue. I felt it was very difficult to not be biased about sending troops into Darfur but I slowly found ways to be less and less biased with my opinions. I began to respect the opinions of all of my readers and commenters while developing my own opinions into my own theories. I have found ways to take a topic of Darfur and turn it into a complex thought and into a post on a blog. There was a certain power of being able to take a general idea and turn it into a specific thought. I really do believe that this helped me grow as a writer and encourage all other students to have the experience to rant about a topic they are passionate about on a blog.

I came into this project knowing very little of the Darfur controversy, but now I have my brain full of information, problems, and statistics. My knowledge broadened as I learned about the Janjaweed and their attacks against the black people of their country, the SLM and JEM. I gained compassion for the poor residents of Darfur as 2.5 million had to choose between life or home. This is depressing to think about how lucky we all are that we dont have to face these fears everyday. I began to bring the art of rhetoric into my writing as well to make it more convincing and stir up emotion for the controversial topic.

I think that choosing this topic has made me appreciate my own life more. I am so thankful to not have a corrupt government, living in a region that is undergoing desertification and provides me with barely no water, the fear of having my family taken from me everyday. Putting yourself in this situation really makes you thankful for all you have. The only thing I have left to say is that I am thankful that I dont have to live my life in fear every single day...and for Darfur, the US can be the ones to change that for them.

For further information...

There are certain websites that I found very beneficial for my research on Darfur. The following websites were very meticulous with their detail and I was inspired on how they wanted to Save Darfur. In you spare time I highly encourage you to go to the following websites:

I really feel that these sources can be trusted. Since the websites are generally news websites and they are all informational websites made specifically for Darfur and have links to stories and articles they are reliable. Enjoy!

If this continues...

If the situation in Darfur keeps on going with no action taken the situation will blow up. Nothing will be done to stop millions more from being killed. The death tolls will skyrocket and the government of the Sudan and the Janjaweed will rise in power. If they are not oppressed they will think that what they are doing is ok-they will continue to do it. Maybe they will even do worse, this will just inflate the problems and they might take more drastic measures. Who knows what they have the capability of doing if they have gotten away with mass murdering their own people for four years.

People are going to start thinking that ethnic cleansing is ok. If they get away with this other countries might start doing the same. Darfur is not the only country that has ethnic tension; there are hundreds of other countries that do. What is stopping them from ethnic cleansing? Just in the 90's there was ethnic cleansing in Bosnia that was responsible for the death of over 200,000 because of ethnic tension between Serbs and Muslims ( Also, in Rwanda, with the battle of the Hutus and the Tutsis, where 800,000 peoples lives were the cost of the ethnic hatred. ( What is preventing situations like this from happening again if no action occurs in the Sudan? Nothing.
We can sit here and avoid the topic, while hundreds of thousands more die and add to the already over 200,000 deceased (

The last thing our world needs is another widespread issue on its hands. I feel that if nothing is done about this issue either other countries are going to start as well, or the Janjaweed and rebel forces are going to spread. Then, we will be forced to help, so will the rest of the world. If this giant explosion of violence occurs then a World War might be inevitable. The Janjaweed has grown from a small militia into this killing force. What is stopping them from taking over and gaining more power? ( Dont let the force that destroyed Darfur destroy the world ( Take action now before the situation exponentially worsens. If we dont do something now it will be an even bigger issue to deal with down the line.

My Theory

Through extensive research and thought on the issue of Darfur I have slowly developed my own theories on the matter. I feel that now I am qualified to make my own conclusion because I know so much about the topic. I think that it is only fair to make a conclusion on such a controversial issue if you are knowledgable, and I believe that I am definately a Darfur advocate.
I think what makes this topic such a passionate issue is the fact that there are millions of people suffering. Our world has witnessed a lot of genocide over the past century between the Holocaust and Rwanda and so many other places that they dont want to see it happen again. We need to learn from the past to prevent it from happening in the future. The hate we have experienced in our world, espeically due to race, religion, or ethnicity, has dominated our existence and really little has been done to stop it. The past can not be ignored if we aren't going to make a great step towards peace and acceptance for mankind (
I feel that this binary issue is relatively impossible to bring an end to. It is impractical to even think that you can make everyone in the world happy and to solve this problem that is basically what would be needed. The problem with US citizens is that we dont have enough support for our country. The one problem that there is with democracy is that it focuses on the individual success, which is both good and bad. The thing is people care too much about themselves and their own opinions that others are irrelevant. This stubbornness causes a difficulty for unity. To believe that everyone in this country could agree with one side is not only idealistic but infeasible. People can differ in many ways but the binary issue of sending aid into Darfur comes down to two different types of people. These types would including the compassionate, humanitarian or the individual. The "individual" mainly being the type concerned with what affects them. The humanitarian would want to help the suffering people of Darfur by sending aid and the individual would only desire to help them if we were getting economic benefit out of it or is too scared to send our own troops in. It is impossible to find one plan to intertwine the two differing philosophies. If we want to try and "solve" this controversial argument, the only way we can attempt to is to try and please the majority of people in the nation. This is the closest anyone can ever come to satisfying both sides of an issue, is pacifying the majority.

I think that this issue became such a controversial issue to begin with mainly because of our foreign policy. So many people are unhappy with our current foreign policy, especially in Iraq, that they don't want another outdrawn invasion to go forth again. Our country has been under so much strain since the war in Iraq has started and I dont think people want to go through those stresses again. If we eliminate the fear of the people of going into debt, sending our soldiers to fight and face potential death, and potential attack then I think there wouldn't be as many people opposed to the matter as much ( Also, I feel that if all of the controversy over oil in recent years did not happen then foreign policy would be drastically different. I feel that most of our foreign policy is based off of issues with oil. We only seem to get involved with countries that are essential to our economic success. We need an incentive to get involved with a country and it seems to be for selfish reasons. So many US citizens are outraged with the gas prices that we have become obsessed with the issue ( If we stopped being so power hungry and thought of the actual people the problems in the world are affecting instead of just ourselves than foreign policy would be much different and going into Darfur would not be an issue.

Public issues you should read more about...

Now that you have learned an extensive amount about the Darfur controversy there are other public issues that everyone should have a basic knowledge about. I feel that it is vital to be aware of current affairs and issues in our country. Since these topics are controversial there are many blogs discussing and analyzing them. There are certain blogs that I advise you, as a avid blog reader, to look over:
This blog website thoroughly discusses the healthcare issues we have in this country. This topic affects millions of Americans because it raises the issue of whether or not universal health care is needed in the states. The blogger raises very important issues in a very organized and informational format. The fact of the matter is that with the expense of healthcare going up drastically many American's can not afford health insurance any longer. If you want to learn about how our own citizens are avoiding getting help for illnesses and injuries, endangering themselves and those around them, so they do not have to pay the pricey hospital bills then go further by following the link and reading about this dilemma.
We all are aware of the growing problem of global warming because of its great presence in the media throughout the past few years. This problem affects everyone due to the change in climate and melting of the polar ice caps due to the greenhouse effect and will slowly flood the world we live in today. I believe that each person should take it upon themselves to learn more about the issue and should do so by reading this website. It argues about our policies and the work we need to do now to prevent this from happening at such a great rate. If you are passionate about this issue I advise you to follow up with this blog.
Abortion.Life.Choice brings forth what is arguably one of the most controversial topics this day in age. Ever since the Roe vs. Wade supreme course decision in the 70's the binary argument of pro-life or pro-choice has been an aggressive and cut-throat topic. This blog goes into detail of abortion and the perspectives of the people of both sides of the issue, religious and personal. If abortion is something you are passionate about or would like to learn more about than go to this blog because I can almost guarantee it will inform you of all you need and/or want to know about this topic.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

The Life of a resident of Darfur...

Can you imagine what its like to live your life in fear everyday? This is how the people of Darfur live their lives because of the attacks of the rebel forces on their villages. Put yourself in their shoes. Imagine having the threat of an attack on you and your family at any time. This fear slowly will take over your entire life.
Can you even start to think of what its like to not be safe in your own country, in your own home? The residents of Darfur are fleeing their home in large numbers because they can only reach a safe haven by traveling the long arduous journey to one of their neighboring countries like Chad.
To get the full affect for what is happening I think that you need to hear the stories of some real life refugees and what they have had to face amd try to overcome. The events these people have witnessed is going to leave them scarred for life. Imagine seeing your family killed, taken from you, your home being burnt down, and barely escaping with your life while others around you were shot down and brutally killed. The women in your family having a large chance of being raped and the youths being taken, brainwashed and corrupted into being a part of the rebel forces. Most of the refugees, if they will survive the trek at all will make it by their lonesome. It is very unlikely that a family will make it, usually others witnessed their family and loved ones being massacred in front of them. Try and imagine what it is to be a citizen of the Sudan. If this has not happened to you the fear of it alone is enough to leave you unstable. These refugees all will need major psychiatric help for years to overcome what they have been through, but unfortunately majority of these people will not have access to this.

17 year old Darfur victim Aziza is lucky enough to make it out alive and tell her tragedy. While collecting firewood one day with 6 other women when suddenly three men on horseback started to chase them. She was caught and bit on the neck and arm to mark her. This signifies that she was a rape victim. He choked her by tieing a veil around her neck and asked her which tribe she was from and as part of the ethnic cleansing goal he told her she didnt belong there and told her the land was theirs. The black people are thought of as lesser people in the mind of the Arabs and that is part of the reason for the conflict going on in this region. Then he aggressively pushed her down and raped her. Aziza now is waiting out to see if she is pregnant or not and does not have a way to terminate the pregnancy. Her friends have shunned her and now is worried about never being able to get a husband. Her story is one of the thousands of cries there are from women who have been raped throughout the Darfur crisis.

If you want a visual image, look at the picture:
Imagine being 12 yrs old and being a rape victim. This is before the age you can really comprehend what has happened to you. The look of misery is evident in her eyes. She looks lost and devastated, this poor child will never be the same.

81% of the women who seeked treatment in refugee camps said that the men who raped them were in military uniform and used weapons as a way to force their assault. For more information go to

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

The visual aspect of the matter

Considering the fact that this blog is made to analyze a binary issue I believe that everyone is entitled to their own opinion about what our position should be as a country in reference to the dilemma in Darfur. What makes this issue such a passionate topic is the difference between the opinions from one person to the next. Should we help or shouldn't we help? That is the real question about this binary argument.
I respect each persons opinion on this matter although it is obvious of my opinion over the past month of posting. I should not be biased towards any side of the argument but being the opinionated person that I am I struggle with doing so. There are so many factors to look at before you are really qualified to make your own decision about what you think we should do about these horrors. You need to analyze where our money is being spent, our other responsibilities in foreign countries, what needs to be done in Darfur, how much this would cost, how many troops to send in, the soldiers sacrificing their lives for this cause, and what we want to establish in their country.
I also stress the great importance of thinking of the impact on the people of Darfur. There are millions starving, beaten, weak from all of their suffering. There are some images that need to be seen to provoke the emotion in your own body to understand what they are feeling too...I really urge you to look through the following:

In this picture you will see a victim of the abuse of a child, a citizen of Darfur. You can see the pain and suffering this child is going through while he can do nothing but sit, cry and starve. There is no way for his family to get him food so he slowly will waste away and wither down to almost nothing until his heart stops from not getting food. This child most likely can not be saved, the only thing we can do to save a child like this is to send in troops to help save the people and prevent this from happening again.

In the next picture you will see another child, but this time an infant. You can see the stress this child is under by the expression on his face. He is crying and can not stop. The sight of such a young human being covered in their own blood and filthy from head to foot is almost unbearable. This child survived, with severe burns, a bombing. This helpless youngster has no defense against what his own government is doing to him, his family has almost no defense and faces the threat everyday that they might be taken by the rebel forces, away from their family, and killed. If this current state in Darfur is continued it is likely that this child if not killed will be taken from his family and trained to massacre in the rebel force unit.

I feel the sentiment that you should be feeling just by seeing three pictures is plenty and enough to demonstrate what the peoples of their region are facing on a daily basis. This last picture shows the results of a raid of the Janjaweed rebel forces. With no warning an attack can happen, burning, bombing, shooting, stealing, raping, murdering. This man witnessed this brutal attack, but did not live to tell the tale. The vicious Janjaweed members have been trained to kill with no remorse and that is exactly what has happened. This man was left to die as he was shot in the face. This man lays there, dead, admist the chaos that is going on around him. This man has been decaying while there are few to recover the remains of a raid with a gaping hole in his left cheek. Witness the atrocity for yourself.

I beg you, for the sake of the people in Darfur, just take the few minutes to read through this blog post and see first hand what they are going through. You should see what crimes and being committed and the results to this tension. Then, I feel, you can judge for yourself what you think the United States, as a nation, should do about this issue.