Sunday, November 4, 2007


Over the duration of this project I really developed as a writer. In the beginning of this project I chose the issue of Darfur because I was interested in it but now I have become very passionate about the matter. Throughout my research and pondering about the topic I have developed my own opinions about foreign policy and other controversial issues. This project also provided me with knowledge of other important issues in the world today from my classmates blogs. But one of the most important reasons for this assignment was to learn how to argue. I felt it was very difficult to not be biased about sending troops into Darfur but I slowly found ways to be less and less biased with my opinions. I began to respect the opinions of all of my readers and commenters while developing my own opinions into my own theories. I have found ways to take a topic of Darfur and turn it into a complex thought and into a post on a blog. There was a certain power of being able to take a general idea and turn it into a specific thought. I really do believe that this helped me grow as a writer and encourage all other students to have the experience to rant about a topic they are passionate about on a blog.

I came into this project knowing very little of the Darfur controversy, but now I have my brain full of information, problems, and statistics. My knowledge broadened as I learned about the Janjaweed and their attacks against the black people of their country, the SLM and JEM. I gained compassion for the poor residents of Darfur as 2.5 million had to choose between life or home. This is depressing to think about how lucky we all are that we dont have to face these fears everyday. I began to bring the art of rhetoric into my writing as well to make it more convincing and stir up emotion for the controversial topic.

I think that choosing this topic has made me appreciate my own life more. I am so thankful to not have a corrupt government, living in a region that is undergoing desertification and provides me with barely no water, the fear of having my family taken from me everyday. Putting yourself in this situation really makes you thankful for all you have. The only thing I have left to say is that I am thankful that I dont have to live my life in fear every single day...and for Darfur, the US can be the ones to change that for them.

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