Sunday, November 4, 2007

Public issues you should read more about...

Now that you have learned an extensive amount about the Darfur controversy there are other public issues that everyone should have a basic knowledge about. I feel that it is vital to be aware of current affairs and issues in our country. Since these topics are controversial there are many blogs discussing and analyzing them. There are certain blogs that I advise you, as a avid blog reader, to look over:
This blog website thoroughly discusses the healthcare issues we have in this country. This topic affects millions of Americans because it raises the issue of whether or not universal health care is needed in the states. The blogger raises very important issues in a very organized and informational format. The fact of the matter is that with the expense of healthcare going up drastically many American's can not afford health insurance any longer. If you want to learn about how our own citizens are avoiding getting help for illnesses and injuries, endangering themselves and those around them, so they do not have to pay the pricey hospital bills then go further by following the link and reading about this dilemma.
We all are aware of the growing problem of global warming because of its great presence in the media throughout the past few years. This problem affects everyone due to the change in climate and melting of the polar ice caps due to the greenhouse effect and will slowly flood the world we live in today. I believe that each person should take it upon themselves to learn more about the issue and should do so by reading this website. It argues about our policies and the work we need to do now to prevent this from happening at such a great rate. If you are passionate about this issue I advise you to follow up with this blog.
Abortion.Life.Choice brings forth what is arguably one of the most controversial topics this day in age. Ever since the Roe vs. Wade supreme course decision in the 70's the binary argument of pro-life or pro-choice has been an aggressive and cut-throat topic. This blog goes into detail of abortion and the perspectives of the people of both sides of the issue, religious and personal. If abortion is something you are passionate about or would like to learn more about than go to this blog because I can almost guarantee it will inform you of all you need and/or want to know about this topic.

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